News and ideas

Eellogic en interview sur O2 radio

Bonne année… bleue de la part d’ Eellogic et O2 RADIO
Petit retour sur notre émission dédiée à l’#économiebleue, où on a parlé cuir de poisson, bots assistants de recyclage, et comparé deux économie bleues: celle tendance coaching d’entreprise et celle privilégiant l’implication des territoires, les partenariats et les mains dans le camboui. #Spoileralert: on préfère la deuxième. 🙂 

The Ocean corner

 On this pale blue dot, Ocean is always round the corner, so what better day than #WorldOceanDay to introduce The Ocean Corner? We first met with Mariana while facilitating the Atlantic Action Plan Glasgow conference. Today, Mariana is leading an artistic Ocean awareness raising action with fishing nets she received from… Fishy Filaments, a connection made by Eellogic and sparked thanks to the European Commission Blueinvest event. More about Fishy Filament and their circular economy project in the link below.👇

Arts for eels

SEG is a Europe wide conservation and science led organisation working to accelerate the eels recovery. They teamed up the Suitcase full of eels, a creative project brining academics and artists from different disciplines to tell the story of Anguilla anguilla, with artworks drawing on the historical importance and cultural relevance of the European eel, as well as the worldwide illegal trade endangering the species.

Eellogic friends

Companies and experts met along the way and recommended by Eellogic


ComH2O - Cécile Dupuch

Since January 2018 – website advisor

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Agence Trajectoire(s)

Since October 2017 – Media partners and digital champions

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